Chapter 2: Princess Margaret Road

Walking out of the chapel, I’m alone once again and the smile fades from my face. I don’t want to go home yet. Instead, I walk up to the hill behind. Couldn't bear to leave here, I wander around. Today’s my last day living here after all.
Beside where I stand is a Catholic church. Folks there are friendly. We are often in touch, peacefully together. Above the church sits Valtorta College. Most of my buddies at the church  study there. Looking at that school from far, I’ve realized that we will be separated from tomorrow onwards.

Walking along the path, I’ve reached Wan Tau Kok Playground, which is full of my childhood memories .
I close my eyes and feel the surroundings. Tai Po, where I grew up in, my favorite out of the 18 districts of Hong Kong. I have to move tomorrow and I hope that everything would be fine.
I get 2 rice boxes in Tai Po Market, one for me and one for my younger brother. Then I take a minibus to get back to where I live- Tung Tsz. Having so many mahjong battles to fight, my mother has no time to play chef at home.

It’s 10 o’clock at night and our responsible mother has finally returned home from her battles with honor. She yells,“Have you packed your stuffs yet? We have to move tomorrow!”
I’ve been living in a place called “Tung Tsz” since I was an infant with my family. It is a beautiful countryside, or you can translate it as some isolated place. This hill is not well populated, quiet in most days. This place is less boring only when scouts come in packs during weekends.
(Note: The Hong Kong Scout Association has a Camping facility in Tung Tsz)
My father is the only person to have a driver’s license and a car. But he rarely comes home, there is little chance he can take us a ride. For about ten years, our only connection to the town is by a “Hope bus for the wasteland”. It’s the only way we get daily supplies, education, and keep ourselves relatively up-to-date with the society.

After a few years of hard work, father has finally been able to afford a flat in Shatin, a private housing flat. The greatest relief is that the flat is in the middle of Shatin Town Centre, only a short walk from the railway station! This has made us much easier to travel around.
Leaving my hometown makes me so nostalgic, but a part of me still looks forward to the new life. I could finally move to somewhere with direct rail connection. It’s not something you can expect everyday, is it?
With my mind battling, I fall asleep...
The next day
Father drives back home in the morning. After a whole day’s work, we’ve finally moved all things to our new home. The flat’s decoration is so delicate. Father sits on the sofa resting. What a lovely rare sight with all family members gathered together in a living room.

However, my mother and brother have no desire to cherish this moment. Mother would leave merrily with father’s cash for her exciting mahjong game rather than staying in this “boring” home. Brother, in the other hand, cares about his art only. He takes out his painting tools from his baggage, then walk into his room. In a few moments, the living room has become dead silent and once again, there are only me and my father left here. Like a black hole is sucking every thought in my mind, I’m speechless.
Father goes in my brother’s room, asks calmly, “Tak, wanna eat together, three of us?”
“I’ll pass, just pack me some food when you come back.” brother answers while mixing the paint. We can’t even get to see his face.
Father turns towards me. Disappointed he says, “Let’s go, Vergil.”
I could understand brother’s anger at the first place that I left their church. As I was an “Apostate person” to him, he had every right to be discontent with me. But he’s been so ignorant to other family members for the past year, now I start to have mixed feelings towards him.

Leaving the flat as I have worn my shoes, I snarl, “Free food delivery and no-show, how convenient! If you’re so high-class that you don’t even want to look at us, why even ask us to get you food?”
Father presses the lift button, sighs, “Leave him alone son, give him some space.”
Father drives the car and I sit beside him. I ask, “Where are we going?”
Instead he asks in return, “Do you know you have to study in Ho Man Tin from now on?”
“What? That’s like miles away!” I’m surprised.

“Let’s eat over there then. You can familiarize yourself with that place, too.” Father smiles at me.
My Father is a businessman. Due to the job nature, he has to drive around all districts in Hong Kong. He is a living compass in Hong Kong.
After passing through the Lion Rock Tunnel and Kowloon Tong, we arrived at Ho Man Tin.
I looked behind the car window. This place is as green as where we used to live. It has a fantastic environment also with schools, housing villages and a sports ground. Such a lovely place.
I see a group of green residential buildings in front, I ask curiously, “This is an interesting place. Where is this?”

“Oi Man Estate.” Father replies.
哦,平常在路上不時會看到有「往 愛民」的巴士,原來是這裡。
Oh, I sometimes see busses showing “To: Oi Man”, so this is where they’re going.
Father slows down the car, pointing in front of him, “Alright, remember that fuel station. When you take the bus route 170 at Sha Tin railway station, you will get off there. A short stroll around will get you to the school.”
What? All the roads here look the same to me. How can I remember it without any shop or attraction?
As I’m worrying about that, a road sign catches my attention- “Princess Margaret Road”. Well, such a romantic name. That’s a lot more catchy.
Father drives around the area before parking the car. We’ve had our dinner and bought my brother something to eat. We return home early because father has to work and I have to practice taekwondo at the new dojo tomorrow morning.
The following day
After having breakfast, I leave home heading to the new dojo. Now I can go to restaurants, pharmacies, stationery shops and convenient stores next to my home. It’s like living in the dream. Haha!
So I get on the bus as what my father told me yesterday and get off at the fuel station. Then I take out the note Master Leung gave me with the address of the dojo.
“Shek Ku Street…” I glance at the address and look around. I'm confused. Here I can only see trees and a few signs showing “Princess Margaret Road”.
Hold on. Oh no! This is the way to school, not the dojo! I’m going to the sportsground at the top of the chapel, not the school! Oh silly me! I hope the place is not too far away from  here.
I decide to ask the pedestrians for directions, but I didn’t get anything except “I don’t know”. This is bad.
However, just when I am confused, a person who’s walking toward me has caught my attention.
She’s girl in a white t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans, modest and pure. Her dark-brown hair is made a lovely ponytail. The girl walks with her head bowing, full of melancholy and mystery.
I walk towards her, a special feeling emerges as I close in. This girl is so unique that there’s no word to describe how I'm feeling at this moment.
“Hey, excuse me?” I ask.
She looks up. I can finally see her face. She is  about the same age as I am.  Her eyes are attractive but cold, as if there is no happiness in them, under the sideswept fringe. Nevertheless, I believe every man would protect her at any cost, given her astounding beauty.

She stands right there as I speak. She opens her mouth for a bit but stays speechless and  emotionless. I show her the paper with the address, and enquire, “Could you tell me how to  get to this location?”
The girl ponders as she notices the address. Seems that she lives around here and knows that the place is a chapel of my church. Knowing my church is often called as a “cult”, this is not the first time someone looks at me in such fashion.
The girl awkwardly evades my line of sight, points to the right, and says, “Walk through Oi Man Estate, turn left and you will see the Hung Hom Police Station. Walk along the road and you will past by a park. Further down will be Ho Man Tin Estate and LaSalle Primary School. The place you’re looking for is at the opposite of the school.”
What a beautiful and pure voice! Cold as her face looks, her voice is as sweet as honey, gently comforting my heart.
“So what I have to do is walk through Oi Man Estate, turn left and walk along the road?” I point at the entrance of Oi Man Estate and ask.
“Right.” She nods shyly, and leaves the scene.
“Thank You!” I yell at her as she departs.
But she doesn’t even turn her head back, what a shy person. However, I’m impressed that she can describe the direction precisely without a second thought, seems like she knows Ho Man Tin like the back of her hand.
Anyways, I walk according to the girl’s instructions and finally arrive at Ho Man Tin branch of my church. Unlike the chapel in Tai Po, this is a four storey building. No wonder it could allow us youths to have taekwondo lessons.
公主道(Princess Margaret Road),主體位於九龍城區何文田,南接海底隧道紅磡出口的康莊道及漆咸道南,北接窩打老道,全長約2公里,途經紅磡灣、京士柏、十二號山及採石山,是連接紅磡海底隧道及九龍塘的主要幹道,屬於香港一號幹線的其中一部份。
Princess Margaret Road, located in Ho Man Tin, Kowloon City. It starts near at Gascoigne Road, runs northward, cutting through the hills between Quarry Hill, No. 12 Hill and Ho Man Tin proper, and reaches Waterloo Road, 2 km long in total. Princess Margaret Road is a main route that connects Cross-Harbour Tunnel and Kowloon Tong.
公主道的前身於1949年落成,原名楠道(Nairn Road),原楠道路段總長不足現公主道十分之一。香港政府於60年代興建海底隧道,並對楠道進行道路延長工程,將其接駁至紅磡灣。1966年3月1日,英國皇室瑪嘉烈公主(Princess Margaret)訪港,適逢楠道延路工程剛好完成,為紀念此事件,完成延長的楠道被政府更名為「公主道(Princess Margaret Road)」。
Princess Margaret Road was originally called Nairn Road back in 1949 and the length of Nairn Road was only 1/10 of Princess Margaret Road. In 1960s, the Hong Kong government  started to extend Nairn Road to Hung Hom Bay so that it could connect to Cross-Harbour Tunnel, which was being built at that time. On 1st March 1966, to commemorate Princess Margaret’s visit to Hong Kong and the complete of Nairn Road’s extending construction, Nairn Road was renamed to “Princess Margaret Road”.

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