Chapter 1: The Master of Pranking
大埔 某體育館
Sports center, Somewhere in Tai Po.
“Bow! ” says the brother dressed in a white robe with a black belt on his waist.

The fellow apprentices bow to their master. Then some leave with their exhausted bodies, some stay practising kicks.

Master comes to me, holding a belt with black and red stripes in his hand.Smiles kindly he says ”Vergil, your new belt is finished!”

I receive it two-handed respectfully. “Appreciate it Master Leung. Such a shame that I have to move tomorrow.”Sadly I say.
My name is Vergil Ho Cheng Chuen and I’ve been practicing taekwondo since I was 12. I started a bit later than most students but through my hard work, I’ve achieved my red and black belt today, which means there is only one step left for me to get my black belt. Master Leung is my first taekwondo teacher. He’s been teaching me since I was wearing a white belt. Also, he’s the youth leader who is in charge of taking care of me at church.

Master Leung replies “Save it Vergil.You deserve it.”and he continues “From tomorrow onwards, Master So will be your new coach. He’s a great guy.  Don't forget the address I gave you yesterday.”

“Ugh. I’d rather come here to have lessons from Shatin.” I sigh.
“Here? You mean Tai Po Industrial  Estate? Here isn't downtown! ”Master Leung says, “Ho Man Tin is way more convenient. Not to mention the dojo is inside a chapel. You can get along better with the students there as they’re members of the church. If the church had Taekwondo Class when I was young, I would rather stick with it.”

After farewelling Master Leung, I leave where I’ve spent four years practicing Taekwondo.
Other than sports, my biggest hobby has become pranking since the day I watched the movie “Tricky Brian” by Steven Chow. The more serious the victims react, the higher the expectation I have for my next prank. People who know me well would simply call me “The Master of Pranking”.

I still have a ton of homework to be finished. It’s time to go to church and seek help from my buddies. So, what is my religion? That should be well-known.
Well, that's kind of complicated. My mother and my younger brother go to a different Christian church from mine. My father, as an atheist, he doesn't have any religion. But he never bothers our Freedom of Religion.

The reason why our religion is well-known is because the missionaries we send out always draw attention in the public. As a member of this church, I’ve also been made fun of for many times. However, I don’t care about that. At least I’m having so much joy in this church everyday, that’s what really matters.

Just because I didn't follow the mainstream, joining this religion had made me became one of the three luckiest men in the entire world.
The sun set on us. With a schoolbag at my back, I swiftly run back to the chapel in Tai Po. Two men in suits with name tags on them are eating their barbecued pork rice. One of them is a Hong Konger and the other one is a blonde American.
“Hey, Sai Mei?” the Hong Konger one asks.
由於他姓陳,別人會禮貌地稱呼他「Elder Chan」,但我則喜歡稱呼他陳世美,而他因此亦稱呼我作世美以作反擊。
As his last name is “Chan”, people call him “Elder Chan”. I however, like to make fun of him and call him “Chan Sai Mei”. He would call me “Sai Mei” too as a return.
「Hey Ching」:我一邊笑著跟他打招呼,一邊伸手到自己外套的口袋中抽出我的玩具蟑螂,我人稱整蠱專家,我整個背包都是這些東西......
“Hey bro!” I greet with a smile while I am grabbing a toy cockroach from my pocket. As the “Master of Pranking”, my backpack is full of toys of that kind.

I take my aim, then throw the fake roach right onto his arm!
「喂!」Elder Chan立即狼狽地把自己手上的假蟑螂甩開,整個人立即跳後了一步。
“Hey!!!” Elder Chan shakes the roach off and steps back as he’s frightened.

我和另邊的那位美國人則是捧腹大笑,兩秒後Elder Chan便意識到眼前的蟑螂只是件玩具。他不屑道:「咪玩呢啲啦!食緊飯啊世美!」
The American elder and I laugh out loudly. It takes a few seconds till Elder Chan finds out the roach is just a toy. “Dude! Stop doing that! I was eating!” says Elder Chan.

那美國人對我問道:「Wait, 『世美』係咩意思, my friend?」
“Wait, is there a meaning for  “Sai Mei”, my friend? ”asks the American.
我答道:「『世美』describes who Elder Chan really is. That means a jerk who abandons girls and...」
I reply “Sai Mei” describes who Elder Chan really is. That means a jerk who abandons girls and…”

Elder Chan急道:「喂!佢咩都唔識真係會亂講架,你咪教佢啊!」
“Hey! He will really say these things out. Stop teaching him those offensive words!”Elder Chan quickly states.
那美國人指著Elder Chan說道:「世美? Sounds great!」
The American points at Elder Chan and says “Sai Mei? Sounds great!”
他笑問道:「What are the other things that I could say to hurt Elder Chan’s feelings?」
“What are the other things that I could say to hurt Elder Chan's feelings ?” He teases.
我笑答道:「『義弟』。Every morning you wake up, you call him『義弟』. Well, oh dude, you’re gonna build a wonderful friendship with Elder Chan!」

Elder Chan驚道:「你都真係根既!」
“You are nuts!” Elder Chan speaks shakily.

That's how I spend my time after school everyday. Playing with the missionaries, asking them about homework. To this day, my English has become much more fluent than most Form 5 students. They are good people and they always treat me as one of them. Among the laughter, my loneliness could always be covered.
My so called “family” is not so bonded. My mother, brother and I were from the same church. Until two years ago, I left and joined the church I am now in. My brother was mad at my act. As he didn't like this religion and he also was antisocial. Everyday he stucked at his room drawing all day long. The bond between us became weaker and weaker.
My mother had no opinion on my decision. As… she doesn't care my brother and I. She only cares about her daily mahjong game. Dad is the only breadwinner. Although he could easily support the whole family, he had to run around with his company. He couldn't even stay at home once or twice a week.

Compared to my so called “home”. I feel like more like home when I spend time together with the missionaries at the chapel.
The Elders leave for running an errand after helping me with the homework. It's time for me to go home too.
而正當我走到門廳時,一位比我年長幾年,外表溫文爾雅,長著淺棕色長髮,身穿長裙,肩上掛著一個黑色名牌的英國女孩正聊著電話,她的名牌上寫著「Sister Lavender」。
Just when I arrive the foyer, a girl few years older than me is talking on the phone. She’s in a long dress, with a long, brunette hair, gentle and elegant she is. The name tag on her shoulder is written “Sister Lavender ”.
「係啊,你上次Exam幾好啊嘛?」:Sister Lavender對電話說
“Oh, so you did pretty well last exam, right?” Sister Lavender says to the phone.
Haha, these missionaries are my family. Being together in a family, no matter what mistake you made or how you hurt them, they will always stand by you. Therefore, it’s time that I used my “privilege”.
我對Sister Lavender報以一個友善的微笑,聊著電話的她也微笑著對我點了點頭。然後,我繞到她的身後,從書包中拿出一條橡膠製的玩具蛇……
I looked at her with a friendly smile. She returned with a smile too. Then I walk around to her back, take out a rubber snake from my schoolbag...
「好吖Jenny,咁所以我地星期五晚見啦。嗯,bye-bye.」:Sister Lavender掛上了電話。
“Alright Jenny, so we will meet on Friday. Alright , bye-bye. ” She hangs up the phone.
就在她掛線的一刻,我把玩具蛇一下丟向她,技術成熟的我拋的力度適中,那蛇不偏不倚地落在Sister Lavender的肩膀上!
Right at the moment she hangs up, I throw the toy snake to her. Skilful me, the force is just right. The snake lands flawlessly on Sister Lavender’s shoulder.
「吖!!!」:Sister Lavender立即尖叫起來,她驚慌失措地撥開肩上的蛇並跳後好幾步;忙亂之中,她手上的Nokia電話「啪」一聲的地掉到地上。
“Ahhh!!!” Lavender screams loudly, sweeps the snake off and jumps back with huge scare. During the panic, she drops her Nokia cellphone on the ground.
過了幾秒後,非常害怕蛇的她才意識到這只是條玩具蛇,我看著她驚魂未定的樣子,完全無法忍笑。不過玩笑開大了,她這下好像是真的受到了極大的驚嚇。我蹲下來把那掉到我面前Nokia電話撿起來,雙手交給被嚇得花容失色的Sister Lavender以表誠意。
Few seconds after, Lavender who has great fear of snakes realizes that is just a toy. Looking at her frightened reaction, I couldn't help laughing. But it was a bit over. I kneel grabbing her cell phone and return it with both hands in order to show my sincerity.
Sister Lavender轉過身來,皺著眉看著我說:「Eww! It’s not funny, Vergil!」
Sister Lavender turns around, looks at me frowned “Eww! It's not funny,  Vergil!”
Vergil is my English name. That's how the foreigners call me.
Sister Lavender看了看地上的那條蛇,好像想把它沒收,但她猶豫了一下後說道:「You take care of that please, sir. You know last time? After you scared me with this snake, I took it from you so that you couldn’t use it on me anymore. But then, when I went home and opened my bag, I scared myself again!」
She looks at the snake on the ground. Seems like she wants to confiscate it, but she hesitates and tell me “You take care of that please, sir. You know last time? After you scared me with this snake, I took it from you so that you couldn’t use it on me anymore. But then, when I went home and opened my bag, I scared myself again!”

“Hahahaha!!” If not laughing at her, I don't know how I should react.

「Could you be a bit nicer to me? This is my last day in Tai Po. I’m moving to another area tomorrow.」:Sister Lavender有氣無力地說道
“Could you be a bit nicer to me? This is my last day in Tai Po. I’m moving to another area tomorrow.” Feebly she says.
The missionaries don't stay in the same area. Usually they are sent to different areas in Hong Kong.
我笑說伸出手來,說道:「Okay then I won’t have any chance to do that again. Since this is already over, let us not give up on our friendship just because of that little snake. You agree, Sister Lavender?」
I reach out my hand with a grin and say “Okay then I won’t have any chance to do that again. Since this is already over, let us not give up on our friendship just because of that little snake. You agree, Sister Lavender?”
「Okay…I trust you. Thank you and all the members in Tai Po.」:Sister Lavender心有餘悸地看著我,生硬地伸出手來與我作一個象徵「和平」的握手。
“Okay…I trust you. Thank you and all the members in Tai Po.” Sister Lavender says with fear still lingering in her eyes. We shake hands to show “peace ”.
You are not the only one leaving Tai Po, so as I.

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