一個多星期的春節假期就這樣就來到了最後一天。回到教會,我獨自坐在最後排, Catherine是邀請和鼓勵我出席的那位,但她自己卻沒了蹤影。


我抬頭一看,發現來到琴前的是Catherine和一位肩上戴著黑色名牌,和善慈祥、滿頭白髮的老婦人。Cox夫婦三年前從美國來到香港定居,平常探訪教會在港澳各區的分部的成員,我中學時受他們的不少鼓勵。Brother Cox更是令我深受感動,他雖身患柏金遜症,但卻從來沒有忘記過我。
「Sister Cox!」雖然Catherine昨天已告訴了我她會來,但我看到這稀客出現,還是不禁感到驚訝。
「It’s been a while, Brother Vergil.」:Sister Cox微笑說

Sister Cox溫柔地問道:「We wouldn’t have known you were sitting alone sadly here if Catherine hadn’t brought me downstairs, young man. Anything bothers you?」
「A lot…」我坦然道:「Actually, I’m not doing fine with anything in my life lately.」
Sister Cox懇切地問道:「If you don’t mind, do tell. I’m here to listen, Brother Vergil. Or is there anything I can help you with?」
「Yes, can I ask you about some medical stuffs?」:我慚愧地問道
Sitser Cox答道:「Of course. Well go ahead, I don’t know if I could answer you but I’d tell you everything that I know. After all, I’m just a nurse. Brother Cox is the doctor.」

「I don’t know what’s wrong with my bladder, kidney or even my reproductive system. I really have difficulty in passing pee and poop. It’s been causing very much inconvenience in my life.」:我說
「So it’s like a constipation and waiting in starting your urination, am I correct?」:Sister Cox問道
我答道:「Yes, exactly. I do feel the urgency, but neither could I pass pee or poop.」
「How long have you been having these symptoms?」:Sister Cox問道
「A month and more.」:我答道
Sister Cox分析道:「There are many kinds of diseases that could cause the symptoms you just talked about. But of all your organs, the least likely one to go wrong is your kidney. You’re so young, you don’t drink, smoke or use drug. The chance of any disease happening in your kidney is extremely small. Do you need to have urination during your sleep for 3 times or more?」
我答道:「Oh, no. The problems that I have happen at day.」
Sister Cox點頭道:「That’s right. It sounds more like the symptoms are caused by problems in your bladder, colon, reproductive system or other organ malfunctions that we can’t see at the moment. We cannot come down to a conclusion without any urine test or ultrasound scan.」

Sister Cox續道:「Honestly, I don’t know much about men’s reproductive system. We don’t even know whether your constipation and difficulty in urinating are caused by the same disease yet. But Brother Cox will absolutely be able to help you with your urinary problem. He’s a famous doctor, a top urologist in Los Angeles. He might be teaching Sunday school somewhere but I’m sure he’ll be here soon.」
我一直以來只知道Brother Cox在患上柏金遜症之前是在美國當醫生的,但我並不知道他是專治哪一科的,他更從來沒說過他是當地的一位權威醫生啊!
「Urologist? He’s never told me!」:我說道
「Oh! Speak of the devil.」:Sister微笑著指著樓梯口。

Brother Cox走到來琴前,笑說:「Great…to…to see you, Vergil!」
看著Brother Cox走到來我跟前,開口跟我說話,感激和平安在我內心滿溢。我維吉爾中在一生人中,從未感受過這麼大的安全感!這是一種溫暖得無法形容的安全感。
然後Brother Cox看了看Catherine,卻喊不出她的名字。
Catherine楚楚可憐地看著Brother Cox,問道:「Brother Cox, do you remember me?」
「Hmm...」Brother Cox看著她,不好意思地說:「Sister, you... look familiar. I’m sor...ry. But I bet we…we are good friends!」
但我內心不禁為Brother Cox感到憂傷。我是位幸運兒才能被他記住,我不擔心自己不久後會被他忘記,因為這是自然程序。但我看著此刻臉上仍掛著幸福的Sister Cox......
會不會有一天,Brother Cox連自己的髮妻也認不出?

Catherine嬌嗔道:「I'm Catherine, Catherine...」
Sister Cox笑說:「Do you remember Catherine? We said she’s the loveliest young girl in TKO district.」
「Oh, Catherine!」Brother Cox說:「Yes...yes, I think we’ve met be...before.」
「Ok then, Doctor Cox, can you help Vergil out with some medical problems?」Sister Cox微笑著問道
「Sure thing, anything in my power, sir!」:Brother Cox說道
「So about a month ago, I started to have…」我把自己的病情原原本本地告訴Brother Cox。
Catherine和Sister Cox不知在何時已走開了,只剩下我和Brother Cox留在琴前。他全程細心地聆聽著,問的問題也十分深入細節,比我以往看過的醫生都更為專業。
「Have you brought the…the medicine that you’ve been taking?」:Brother Cox問道
「Yeah, I do.」我立即翻開自己的背包,把自己在服用的那幾包給我各種副作用的藥丸拿出來。
Brother Cox把藥放在琴面上研究,他看著其中一種藥丸,疑惑道:「This one’s for your prostate gland, usually used for treating a benign prostatic hyperplasia.」
Brother Cox解釋道:「Benign prostatic hyperpla…plasia is commonly known as “enlarged prostate”. A part…part of a man’s urethra is surrounded by the prostate gland, which means...means the urine must pass through the prostate when you urinate. The growing size of prostate causes es…escalating pressure on the urethra, it can lead to similar symptoms as yours.」
他續道:「Symptoms of different diseases can be similar. Having these symptons doesn’t make you a victim of enlarged pro…prostate! You have constipation, which has not much to do with a prostate disease. Did him run any test or ultrasound scan be…before diagnosing?」
「No, no test was run. He just asked my symptons and then gave me these tablets.」
Brother Cox拿起另外兩包藥丸,驚道:「No test being run? These are antibiotics! Did he really ask you to take these drugs without analyzing your urine?」
我點頭道:「That is the case.」
「Empirical! Ridiculous!」Brother Cox急道:「Ver…vergil, you need to stop doing that right now. It’s very dangerous for you to take these medicine without any exam or culture being taken.」
「I truly have no idea what to do, you have any advice?」:我問道
Brother Cox說道:「You need to run those tests in an official hopstial or med…medical center, you can’t just take some kind of pills that only re…releases the pressure on urethra for a bit, and then expect the problem will be completely solved, my friend.」
「I will stay here in Macau for a week, do you have anytime that…that we can go to the hospital together?」:Brother Cox問道
「How about tomorrow? I don’t want to delay anymore.」:我說道
「No problem, sir!」:Brother Cox說道
「Thank you so much!」我無比感激地與他握手。
Brother Cox這位來自洛衫磯的名醫難得肯留在澳門幾天,並陪我到醫院檢查,這是再好不過了。我請了一天病假,上午一早來到一所私家醫院預約,下午便輪到我接受檢查。
「I’ve met thousands of patients in my life, I know...exactly how you feel.」:坐我隔壁的Brother Cox說。
我徬徨地問道:「Is it gonna hurt? Sticking some machines in my colon. 」
「Not at all,」Brother Cox答道:「If...if you think of something you love. Someone you love...love so much that you’re willing to go through anything to stay with her.」
「What if I don’t have one?」:我淡然道
Brother Cox用那震顫著的手指著我的心,笑說:「You’re not tell...telling the truth, you looked at the right side just now, sir! Yes, you do have this one girl, or two!」
我苦笑道:「I’ll never be with her.」
Brother Cox聽後收起了自己的笑容,認真地說道:「I heard about your school app...application thing from uh Serine...no, Sabrine...」
我模仿Sister Cox的語氣,問道:「The loveliest young girl from TKO district?」
Brother Cox說道:「Oh ya! Kate...Katy...」
「Oh yes, Catherine! She told me that your local church leader turned your...your application down and the deadline’s over now.」:Brother Cox說
我苦笑:「Yeah, no education, no girlfriend, no money.」
「No, is the admission for fall semester completely over now?」:Brother Cox問道
「There’s a deadlines for international applicants and a final deadline. I’m an international applicant so my chance is over.」:我答道
「Then it’s not over yet, there’s still a fi…final deadline for you to give a shot.」:Brother Cox說
「The final deadline is for local students, I’m screwed already.」:我苦澀地說道
Brother Cox認真地說道:「Which means the ad…admission isn’t over yet, then okay. I know the admission director guy of the church school. I’ll write him an e-mail and tell him that we still have some students from Ma…Macau who are trying hard to get in. Let’s see if he could have a look at your application if you can submit all things before the final deadline.」
我愕然地看著Brother Cox,驚呆得說不出話。
「Thank you so much!!!」:我感激地握著Brother Cox的手。
除了對Brother Cox感到滿滿的感激,Catherine那天真可愛的笑容也出現在我腦海中。要是沒有她告訴Brother Cox這件事的話,我也不會得到這機會!
Brother Cox拍了拍我的肩膀,鼓勵說:「Stay strong, my friend. If it really hurts, think about your loved ones and the pain will fade away. Get throught this, we…we talk about your admission after this!」
「I will!」:我堅強道