
**************************** 入得黎既講左先..呢件事係唔會開名, 因為佢而家都好紅, 我之所以想講係因為我係個心到困得好辛苦, 忍左佢好耐, 就算呢家同佢分左手 但我仲要同佢經理人簽保密協議, 唔可以講有關以前同佢既一切 但我希望有一日, 佢會承認過我同佢既關係 , 係文到 我會用佢以前既花名去代表果位女星. 亦唔會開名 所有角色亦不會用真名 如果大家知道係邊個 心照 就好了! 不過始終成件事由頭到尾都有一段時間, 有咩甩左既多多包容 始終呢個唔係故事, 係一個真人真事改名改編而成既心事........................ (文章會用口語去打)....................... 【免責聲明】 故事純屬虛構, 如有雷同, 純屬巧合 一切判斷, 暗示,明示, 與孤獨妹(本人)無關 本人不對所包含內容的準確性、可靠性或完整性提供任何明示或暗示的保證 請讀者僅作參考,並請自行承擔全部責任 所有文章只反映作者本人的虛構劇情, 如有雷同, 純屬巧合 【Disclaimer】 The story is purely fictitious and any similarity is purely coincidental All judgments, hint, express, regardless of the lonely girl (I) I have not included the accuracy of the content, reliability or completeness of any express or implied The reader for references only, and accept full responsibility for their own request All articles reflects only the author's fictional story, any similarity is purely coincidental

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