作者筆名 TechnoSycthe
作者簡介 我是一位中一生,與@不路孤2020 合作,又是同校好友,本人其筆名為technosycthe, 書本多以英文為主,並熱愛看英文書。
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作品數量 2
最新作品 Unsolved Mystery — Legends: Ødeguard Demonslayer
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Unsolved Mystery — Legends: Ødeguard Demonslayer

A short profile of the legendary warrior Ødeguard Demonslayer

Unsolved Mystery I-Haunted College (a short novel)

3 teenagers, Benjamin, Ødeguard and Nestor, are setting on an adventure in Texas to a abandoned medical college where legends say that anyone that ever dared to cross its doorstep, has never came back again. Yet, these three fearless boys set foot to that school, trying to solve this mystery that has haunted the minds of people in the area...