

"好!小妖, 我就如你所願, 俾晒你, 射晒入去...呀...呀..."郭富晴終於都完事了


"專家, 你肯唔肯定聽日D人唔洗返工?"洪代藍調皮的問

"專家? 你知我假冒架啦, 我當然唔會知聽日會唔會仲掛8號波,幾時下波啦, 不過我知有人今晚一定好忙..."郭富晴答

"哈哈, 我知, 你只係一個溝女專家, 上床專家...扑野專家..."洪代藍小咀向郭富晴下體進攻了



"Nine! All documents here have been removed and all machines are destoried. We can move now! We are already later than CIA to do so, we are the last country, last agents to do so..."

"Yes Sir...we are late but not too late...let's go"九雲藝答