不知不覺愛上你: 15. 拒絕
企咗一日又飲咗酒, 我瞓到晏晝三點幾先起身. 好彩啲酒夠純, 今日起身一啲頭痛都冇.
開返電話, 冇 Charlotte 嘅 message, 覺得有啲失落, 可能佢都未起身?
"...is Princess awake yet?..." 我 whatspp 佢.
工人煮咗幾塊雞胸肉比我食, 食食吓電話震:
"...I woke up a long time ago already..." --- Charlotte Yuen
"...free for dinner or drink tonight?..." --- 維他奶
"...sorry cannot tonight..." Charlotte Yuen
都明嘅, 尋晚飲到咁夜今日應該休息吓. 上水出嚟又遠, 下星期先再約吧.
食完嘢再休息吓, 準備揸車去買餸 (每星期我都會去買一次餸, 夠比工人煮一個星期). 行到去停車場又有 whatsapp message.
"...精神啲未呀? 今晚一齊食飯好嗎?..." --- Vivian Lam
我準備開車唔得閒覆佢住, 點知電話又震, Vivian 你真係好煩呀!
"...Hi dear 維他奶...I want to tell you something which I didn't dare to tell you face to face...I don't want to give you false hope that I will be your gf if you keep chasing and putting effort...Please don't take this personally...I hope to be a good friend with you and keep in touch (if you don't mind)...I certainly don't mind treating you drinks if we meet again...very nice to know you in my life..." --- Charlotte Yuen
這次喺 Charlotte 第一次 "拒絕" 我.