我靈魂出竅後,竟然比人搶左個身體?: 童謠
(係學校再見啦)她走之前偷偷把畫簿揭開。 新我也上學去了,而媽媽最近好像特別忙,經常都不在家。
媽媽的房間執拾得相當整齊,我看到床上依然放著兩個枕頭,鼻頭不禁一酸。媽媽還在等爸爸回來嗎? 我往四周翻查,不停在抽屜和櫃子間穿梭,竊看。最後居然讓我找到一些破舊的玩具,有暴龍機和毛公仔等等,有些玩具明顯不是我的所好。而且,我還發現在櫃子後的牆壁上,又再出現似曾相識的圖案—那些人形公仔。 可是這樣查查探探已經花了我一個上午的時間,我急忙回到學校,趕著陪瞳晞吃午飯。
「咁呢d黑人細路又有d咩意思呀?」我好奇地問。 她突然以奇怪的旋律哼唱著:
「Ten little Indian Boys went out to dine
One choked his little self and then there were nine.
Nine little Indian Boys sat up very late;
One overslept himself and then there were eight ……」
「Eight little Indian Boys travelling in Devon ……」我接著唱。
「哈……我都唔知,我好似聽過咁……」 接著我便跟她一起唱下去。
Ten little Indian Boys went out to dine; (十個小黑人出外用膳)
One choked his little self and then there were nine.(一個噎死還剩下九個)
Nine little Indian Boys sat up very late;(九個小黑人熬夜到很晚)
One overslept himself and then there were eight. (一個睡過頭還剩八個)
Eight little Indian Boys travelling in Devon; (八個小黑人在到丹文遊玩)
One said he'd stay there and then there were seven.(一個說要留在那兒還剩七個)
Seven little Indian Boys chopping up sticks; (七個小黑人在砍柴)
One chopped himself in halves and then there were six. (一個把自己砍成兩半還剩六個)
Six little Indian Boys playing with a hive; (六個小黑人玩蜂窩)
A bumblebee stung one and then there were five. (一隻黃蜂叮住一個還剩五個)
Five little Indian Boys going in for law; (五個小黑人進入法院)
One got in Chancery and then there were four. (一個被留下還剩四個)
Four little Indian Boys going out to sea; (四個小黑人到海邊)
A red herring swallowed one and then there were three. (一條紅鯡魚吞下一個還剩三個)
Three little Indian Boys walking in the zoo; (三個小黑人走進動物園裡)
A big bear hugged one and then there were two. (一隻大熊抓走一個還剩兩個)
Two little Indian Boys sitting in the sun; (兩個小黑人坐在太陽下)
One got frizzled up and then there was one.(一個熱死只剩一個)
One little Indian Boy left all alone(一個小黑人覺得很寂寞)
He got married, and then there were none.(他結婚後就一個都不剩了)
「下,最後一句唔係He went out and hanged himself and then there were none. 咩?」我疑惑地問。