30歲的最後一個月, 我成為了一個職業賭徒。: 第二章 - 完
「Katy , 不如我哋重新開始過 ? 」
「Sorry, 我諗我地不如做朋友? 」
「我真係有諗過同你喺埋一齊,我對你係有feel,亦都比你嘅真誠打動過.............. 但係我唔想屋企又多一個賭徒呀 !!! 我阿爸已經係咁, 我細佬又係咁 !!! 我唔想日日提心吊膽呀 !!!」
「你聽我講埋先啦,我唔係佢哋嗰種賭徒呢㗎 !!! 我經歷咗好多, 學識咗風險同埋情緒管理,我每一次都計得好清楚㗎。 好似頭先咁我一級一級咁上,連輸3鋪嘅機率係幾多 ? 只係13% !!! 」
「 萬一真係發生咗, 我有另外一個高風險啲嘅搵錢計劃 ! 除咗攝影師, 我其實係一個兼職嘅偵探,所以我上一次偷偷地帶電槍o係身邊.......... 我會賭多兩星期到31歲,無論點都好我都會收手唔再賭落去。 相信我,我會努力畀幸福你。」
「 頭先睇到你咁賭 ,其實我好驚呀 !! 六萬蚊, 當年夠我交學費呀!!! 好,就當我信你31歲之後會收手,但係又 點可以保證將來嘅日子如果有啲唔如意,你又會用呢個手法再黎一次? 咁如果生咗仔, 你又係咁, 咁我地可以點? 係, 你係一個好特別嘅藝術家,又好鍾意冒險,鍾意試新嘢.......... 呢啲都係我鍾意嘅地方 !! 但係我有得揀 , 我寧願你普通一啲呀 !!」
如果我普通一點,當初根本不會遇到你,你也不會勒索我, 我們也不會彼此揭露內心的秘密。
「 好啦......... 我明嘅...........」
她雖然絕情, 但那是為了家人,為了將來的兒子........ 一切出於天性,無可厚非。
「 你收手啦,我真係唔覺得你最後會贏..................... 不過知你唔會講得聽, 希望你保重啦。」
I see you, I see you waiting
I saw you, I saw you standing there
You want it to be over that stone wall
Over that first floor, over that old hotel room
Tell 'em what you're here for, you don't know
Tell 'em what you're here for, you don't know
Oh, you go there, you go there
But you go there, you go there
Oh, you go there, you go there
Yeah, you do
I saw them, I saw them waiting
Why was I, why was I peeking
That you want it to be over that stone wall
Over that first floor, over that old hotel room
Tell 'em what you're here for, you don't know
Tell 'em what you're here for, you don't know
Oh, you go there, you go there
But you go there, you go there
Oh, you go there, you go there
Yeah, you do
Bobby stands behind me, feels my pulse
Until the horses run like from the stars
I know you can't win this
You've got too much in this
You're just standing, watch me fall
I bet you wanted to be over that stone wall
Over that first floor, over that old hotel room
Tell 'em what you're here for, you don't know
Tell 'em what you're here for, you don't know
Oh, you go there, you go there
But you go there, you go there
Oh, you go there, you go there
Yeah, you do
「紅豆冰冰綠豆冰冰,賭仔飲麥精 !! 喂 ! 哥仔呀哥仔 !!! 你知唔知鬼婆嘅西毛係黑色定係金色㗎?」
「當然係金色啦 !!!! 拿!!! 證據喺呢度呀 !!!!! 」
阮Sir 仔細看了看金色的毛, 然後驚嘆的說:
「啊!!!!!!!!!!你真係做到啦 !!!!!!!!! 真係英雄出少年呀 !!!!!!!!!! 一雪國恥呀 !!!!」
「有幾難啫 !! 畀少少錢就叫到啦 !! 你自己唔去 ??? 」
「拿 !! 哥仔 !!! 見係你我先話你聽啦 !!!!! 我以前係數學教授嚟㗎 !!! 專研究統計學既!!! 我研究咗廿一點歌系統好耐㗎喇 !!!! 就係覺得有一啲漏洞 !!!!」
「跟住我咪開始實踐我既系統囉!!!!!! 我本來贏好多錢㗎........... 後尾呢 .......」
「哦 !!! 本來贏好多錢咪好囉 !!! 你有咁多 「本來」 既錢, 點解你唔用嚟買好多 「本來樓」,攞嚟買好多「本來車」,同埋要好多「本來女人」 ??」
「哥仔 !!! 你而家係咪串我呀 ?? 你好叻咩??? 我研究既或然率你又可以明幾多丫? 」
「你有無「本來家庭」呀 ? 「本來仔女」呢 ?」
Good bye 阮 Sir, 回去你家人的身邊吧,你的家人在等著你。
Good Bye ………… Katy Yuen
第二章 - 「I know you can’t win this」 完。