Chapter V: Relatives

十年前 將軍澳某茶樓
Ten years ago
A in a traditional restaurant in Tseung Kwan O
Six people were sat around the table, one couple, their two sons, Chin and her daughter. Compared with the couple’s posh appearance, what Chin and her daughter were, were less fortunate. The couple is Chin’s cousin and brother-in-law. Their kids could be recognised as Chin’s nephews.
Chin’s cousin asked, while enjoying her shark fin soup, “Life’s not getting along?”

“Yes,” Chin answered, “we’re too poor to afford food.”
Cousin’s sons kept eating geoduck clam slice by slice , enjoying the treat. Chin’s daughter could only watch them eating, There was only a piece of vegetable inside her bowl.
The girl pulled Chin’s sleeve gently, pointing at the plateful of geoduck clams, said, “Mummy, I want to try...that.”

Chin’s cousin immediately taught the girl a lesson, “Don’t be picky! Vegetables are good for you!”
Listening to her aunt’s words, the little girl could go nothing but to look down. She witnessed her two cousins piling the clam’s shells up, creating a little knoll.
The girl looked up again, look dearly into her aunt’s eyes, tears almost dropped out. But her aunt said bluntly in return, “Have some vegetables.”

Then she picked two clams for each of her son. Chin saw how her daughter was treated, but she didn’t even dare to speak for her. Chin and her daughter huddle at on side of the table like two beggars.
The girl caught Chin’s sleeves, her crystal-clear eyes started to drop tears. Chin gave the only calm she had in her bowl to her daughter, and said, “It’s okay, don’t cry.”
After the humiliation, Chin finally received a grand from her cousin. She left the restaurant, returning home holding her daughter’s hand. Her daughter wondered, “Mummy, why do we have to eat with my aunt so often?”
Though she isn’t that smart, she knew that she couldn’t tell her the truth. Therefore she remained silent.
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