


:哦係呀係呀係呀, 咦呀去死啦! 













:你諗住迫我哋呀胡迪? :錯啦!係佢迫!彈弓狗!彈弓狗??彈-彈弓狗!仲唔嗱嗱聲上嚟做嘢?喂你聾㗎?我叫你收佢哋皮呀!






:三個。 :計埋我呀!













Buzz: Woody!

Woody: Ah!

Buzz: I’d just like to wish you luck. I know you’d do the same for me.

Woody: Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There you go.(Woody grunts)

Buzz: Whoa! (screams)

Woody: What? What, what what? What? What are you…? What’s everybody looking at? What? Hey, he slipped. I tried to… He… I couldn’t hold on… It wasn't an… He slipped!


Rex: I don’t see him. I think he fell onto the street.

Hamm: Yeah. He’s as good as roadkill.

Po: He ain’t going to Pizza now.

Bo Peep: Woody! You deliberately threw Buzz out of the window!

Woody: Hey, it’s a toy-eat-toy world.

(All gasping)

Sergeant: Cowboy, where is your honor, dirtbag?! You are an absolute disgrace! You don’t deserve to wear a 10-gallon hat on your pint-sized head! Men, search and rescue! I want a Medevac team on the double!

Woody: At ease, sergeant.

Sergeant: Hustle up! Move it! Move it! Move it! Hey!

Woody: Hey, Spuds-for-Brains! What do you think you’re doing? Off the bed. Hey! Off the bed!

Potato Head: You gonna make us, Woody?

Woody: No. He is. Slinky! Slink. Slink… Slinky! Get up here and do your job! Are you deaf?! I said take care of them!

Slinky: Uh, I’m sorry, Woody, but I have to agree with them. I don’t think what you did was right.

Woody: What? Am I hearing correctly? You don’t think I was right? Who said your job was to think, Spring Wiener?!

Slinky: Well, I… I just thought that you…

Woody: Just use this vast reserve of brainpower to consider this for a moment! If it wasn’t for me, Andy wouldn’t pay any attention to you at all. In fact, my stretchy friend, you would’ve been hauled away to Goodwill a long time ago, so shut your mouth and get them off the bed! Do it now, Slink, or I’m throwing you off!

Potato Head: You’re gonna have to throw the two of us off!Hamm: Make that three.Rex: Count me in.Potato Head: No, Woody, you get your butt off the bed.

Woody: Yeah, right. I don’t believe this. (stammering) Are you...? Are you threatening me?Hamm: Yeah! Get off the bed, Ranch Hand, or we’re throwing you off!

Woody: Ha! You and what army?

Sergeant: There he is, that dirtbag! Frag him! Move, move move! Take no prisoners! Go for him! Go for the throat! Kill, kill, kill!

Soldiers/everyone: One, two…

Slinky: No! Stop! Don’t throw him off the bed!

Woody: Yeah!

Slinky: Throw him out the window, like he did to Buzz!!!

Everyone: Yeah!

Woody: No! Wait! No! Come on! Hey, man!